Alexander Herrmann is a long-time TV broadcaster who no longer has a French art appreciation. If the Spitzenkoch, the Herzen van de Damen and the Hobbyköche more schlagen, is your own private?

Alexander Hermann privately in Steckbrief

Website of Alexander Hermann | Alexander Hermann on Instagram

Alexander Herrmann is familiar from the kitchen of “Grill den Henssler”, “Aufgegabelt” or “Lanz bought!”. A year later, this is the team of Saturday 1 production “The Taste”, which started with a number of candidates in the years 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2019. Doch von vorn: Who would like to find Alexander Hermann one of the best TV and Sterneköche Deutschlands?

Alexander Herrmann lost both Eltern in an autounfall

Alexander Herrmann was born on June 7, 19971 in Kulmbach and was born in Wirsberg, where Eltern moved into a family hotel. With a new new year lost Alexander Herrmann seine Eltern on tragic Weise at a traffic accident. If there is an interview with Markus Lanz, it is my own fault that I am in a car. Spontan is convinced that your hotel offers a hotel stay. If they no longer end up in your Aunt and your Uncle, the Hotelführung-übernahmen.

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Obwohl is in my own hotel a Ausbildung machen konnte, beschloss Alexander Herrmann, a Kochlehre in Nürnberg zu absolvieren. There has been a chef in a family hotel since 1995.

Krebs Diagnosis with Alexander Herrmann! “The Taste” star has found a large tumor

In 2010, Alexander Herrmann has to scrap a schicksalsschlag. Anyone who received information in his autobiography “… and a prize Wahnsinn” (Plassen Verlag) can make the first diagnosis of Krebs in those years. Demnach is said to have been present at Hautkrebs’ diagnosis. Alexander Herrmann has recognized the rights of the Oberarm as a Wölbung trademark. “I was able to do this, because the knub was formed and the result was a serious tumor. And because of this, it was a serious tumor war,” said Herrmann Damals. Treatment should take place after the operation, without chemotherapy.

Alexander Herrmann with Michelin star award

Alexander Herrmann’s Restaurant “Herrmanns Posthotel” has been part of the Michelin-Sterns Guide to Michelin since 2008. In the year 2011, they were awarded the best Kochschule des Jahres by Gault Millau. Alexander Herrmann has written more cookbooks with “Koch doch”, “Meine Lieblingsrezepte” and “Küchen-IQ”.

Alexander Herrmann private: TV-Koch in dritter Ehe glücklich with Frau Maxi Friedrichs

Prive hat Alexander Herrmann sein Glück ebenfalls gefunden. Afterwards we went to the Brüche with the signaler Frau Eva, we were waiting for the Spitzenkoch in July 2017 for the Traualtar. The message from “” is a long-term friend Hannah in the Wirsberger Schlossgarten of “Ja”-Wort. Aus signaler ersten Ehe brought his children mit in the Beziehung. But auch Herrmanns zweite Ehe war nicht von Dauer. Since 2022, the Sternekoch non in dritter is happy to hear from Frau Maxi Friedrichs

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